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Electronic Health Record Templates

The Basics about EHR Templates

What is the significance of electronic health record templates?

In the modern medical industry, healthcare providers are required to have a comprehensive documentation of medical charts. This could impact claims reimbursements during audits. Such guidelines demand complete and accurate documentation of patient visits, and these may consist of detailed patient history. As they are busy and occupied, busy providers may find the voluminous content of notes that keep recurring according to general types of visits tedious and time-consuming to be written or typed in charts while meeting patients in their examination room.
Here's where 75Health's customizable charting templates assist providers. These enable the providers to apply these forms easily to SOAP notes by just a few commands or mouse clicks. This then helps automate the entry related to redundant data associated with the patients. In this manner, providers are saved from having to spend much time; they can, by a few clicks and typing, get their task done, while being able to focus better on their core function of managing their patients' health.
The modern 75Health EHR includes templates in several parts such as SOAP notes, medical charting, patient intake form templates, lab orders, and flowcharts. Templates are customizable according to parameters such as the size of the practice and specialty of the user. A community of sharing is also fostered, enabling practices to share their specific templates with peers in the template library that we have provided.
While such tools greatly help in simplifying the work of charting the visit notes ad making them easy, they also eliminate the need for playing catch up at the end of the day.

Electronic health record template - the fundamentals

An EHR template, when well-designed, happens to be easy-to-use and short. It incorporates guidelines, includes negatives and positives, and offers mnemonics for helping deliver information-based care to patients within the time constraints of a busy medical practice. Its residue in a chart proves to be a comprehensive note for describing the clinical encounter which meets essential standards of documentation; it requires minimal additional typing and no unwanted chart bloat. Templates have the potential of automating investigations and reminders, standardizing care further, and reducing systemic resource wasting - these are achieved by facilitating recommendation of tests that are appropriate while preventing unnecessary ones.